
Elisabet Ruiz Dotras, Dra. en Finanzas
Professor, Researcher, Coach, and Speaker
I like to say that finance isn’t just about numbers in a bank account. It’s a key element that weaves through every aspect of our lives. From our personal lives to the workplace, finances play a crucial role, impacting emotional well-being, work productivity, and overall quality of life.
In my programs, workshops, and conferences, I not only address practical financial and educational issues but also offer a humanistic approach that explores beliefs and behaviors affecting our daily lives. For deep and lasting change, it’s essential not only to enhance knowledge but also to transform behaviors.
While it’s true that money doesn’t buy happiness, not having it or managing it poorly doesn’t either.
Financial empowerment goes beyond simply understanding how your finances work.
It involves:
- Becoming aware of what truly adds value to your life and what doesn't.
- Making informed decisions that align with your goals and values.
- Gaining access to knowledge that seems exclusive to those with great wealth.
- Developing self-confidence to remain independent and resilient in the face of life’s challenges.
Financial empowerment is a skill that allows you to take control of your present and build the future you desire, with the possibility of positively impacting future generations.
Being financially empowered fosters the solid growth of individuals, families, and businesses.
My goal is to build and foster a healthy relationship with money that goes beyond numbers. I pursue to inspire positive change in our attitudes and daily decisions, so we can all live a more comfortable and happier life.

Elisabet Ruiz-Dotras
I highlight below my most successful talks:
- YOLO (You Only Live Once): the carpe diem of finances, the pursuit of instant gratification, and the myth of happiness.
- The art of financial education for children: the effort and value of money to boost their well-being.
- Building a financial future together: the key to couples' finances, aligning values and goals for a strong bond.
- Maximizing well-being and productivity: financial stress and its impact on work.