
Take Control of Your Finances, Change Your Life

Join our 8-week program and transform your financial future forever. Take control of your finances, change your money mindset and build a strong net worth.

*8-Week program led by Elisabet Ruiz-Dotras, PhD in Finance, Coach, and Speaker

Elisabet RD's media appearances

Ready to take control of your finances?
Start your journey today

I’m Elisabet Ruiz-Dotras, a financial expert and passionate advocate for financial well-being. I have designed the Personal Finances 360 program to empower you to take control of your finances, transform your relationship with money, and pave the path to building a secure financial future.

Through this program, you will gain invaluable insights and practical strategies to:

  • Cultivate healthy financial habits so that you can keep your expenses under control and start saving. You will no longer have to wonder how much to save or where to start.
  • Enhance your financial intelligence to improve your decision-making skills, empowering you to navigate the complexities of personal finance with confidence and avoid costly financial pitfalls.
  • Develop a wealth mindset that equips you to set clear financial goals, develop effective strategies, and build a solid financial future.

By the end of this program, you will manage your finances with confidence and feel empowered to achieve financial independence.

Let me ask you something... what do you think about Money?

Money is a top source of stress for many individuals, and it often takes a toll on both our physical and mental health.

 Sound familiar?

Seeking financial planning

Financial planning provides you with a roadmap to save for a home, build wealth, start a family, or secure your retirement.

Struggling with financial pressure

Just the thought of money stresses me out. I don't understand finances, and everything seems very complex. The situation makes me feel uneasy.

Stuck in a financial rut

After years of working, I can't seem to improve my financial situation, and I don't know how to make my money grow.

Financial disagreements can damage relationships

A family comes with many unexpected expenses, and I'm worried about not making ends meet. I would like to have a family financial plan to reduce stress and avoid arguments about money.

Worried about my retirement

I'm concerned that my current savings won't be sufficient for retirement. I'm unsure about how to effectively plan for my future financial security.

Financial freedom starts with Elisabet Ruiz-Dotras

PhD in Finance, Coach, and Speaker

I am an international professor, researcher, and speaker. As a frequent media collaborator, I share insights on financial and business topics.

I consider myself passionate about finance and love to share my knowledge to make life easier for others.

After more than 30 years in academia, I felt the need to share my expertise differently—in a much more personal way, focused on people’s real needs.

A firm believer in continuous learning and personal growth, I have reached a point in my life where transforming your reality and empowering your financial journey is my life’s mission.

So that money is no longer a problem, and we can all achieve financial freedom.

When people are financially empowered, society becomes more equal and fair

Your financial wellness journey starts here


Personal Finance 360 is a program designed to provide you with financial intelligence and help you organize and control your finances.

This fully practical program focuses on both financial education and mindset because financial intelligence is built on knowledge, habits, and psychology.

Personal Finance 360 is a unique program that combines my experience as academic, my expertise as a researcher, and my practice as a coach.

I also apply the exclusive and innovative KABAS methodology, which I designed myself and is inspired by OECD criteria.

This method is characterized by focusing on 5 essential elements necessary for achieving financial change and transformation forever:


I will equip you with the basic and essential information about managing money, in a very simple way.


You will build it through different practices and  coaching sessions.


The beliefs you inherited from your parents and surroundings have instilled limiting thoughts about money. Together, we’ll transform these into empowering and positive beliefs.


Shaped by your childhood relationship with money, we’ll pinpoint and overcome the blocks you’ve developed, aiming to create a healthy relationship that supports your financial independence.


You’ll develop by working on your specific case with different exercises.

What will you achieve at the end of the

Tools to manage your finances

By helping you understand your current financial state, I will empower you to take control and improve your economic circumstances.

Make informed financial choices

If we lack financial understanding, we often hand over our decisions to someone else who may not choose what's best for us. It's crucial to be able to make informed financial decisions on our own.

Healthy financial habits and behaviors

Say goodbye to financial problems for good.

Your custom savings plan

I’ll guide you in making saving a natural part of your life and help you grow your wealth consistently. Together, we will outline your savings goals and create an action plan to achieve them.

Learn to create a budget

Prevent unexpected costs and achieve financial security.

Address money anxiety

Apply the right strategies for optimal financial planning.

Release financial guilt

Free yourself from guilt over not managing expenses, lacking time for your finances, or feeling you spend too much.

Retirement preparedness

Planning ahead for retirement ensures you can enjoy it with dignity and comfort. The earlier you start, the simpler it will be to reach your goals.

Change your mindset

Your beliefs about money influence your life and your sense of self-worth. By changing your mindset, you can improve your financial relationship and recognize your true value.

Guidance every step of the way

I'll guide you throughout the entire course, addressing any questions and helping you simplify and organize your finances effectively.

PERSONAL FINANCE 360: The perfect balance of Knowledge, Habits, and a wealth Mindset

After 30+ years as a university professor in finance and business, both online and in person, I offer insights from a proven teaching model that has led countless individuals to financial understanding.

Develop habits that help you increase your savings and investments, so money becomes a source of security rather than stress. These habits stem from my own experiences and lessons, leading to buying a home in half the anticipated time, smart investments, and financial security as a single parent. My experiences across various countries and with diverse individuals have enriched my financial perspective.

Change limiting beliefs and overcome negative financial patterns that trap you in scarcity. Over the years, I gathered immense knowledge and experiences, but real change happened when I transformed my mindset. I realized that while crucial, knowledge and experience aren’t enough for financial freedom without the right mindset.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot LEARN, UNLEARN, and RELEARN."

What will we work on?


Make peace with money

We will review your relationship with money and understand the critical role your mindset plays. You’ll participate in a transformative exercise designed to teach you techniques for developing an abundance mindset, helping you improve your relationship with money.


Start a healthy financial life

You’ll take the steps to efficiently organize your finances. We’ll make changes to help you meet your goals and lay the foundation for your financial security. Together, we’ll assess your financial personality and create a strategy that brings peace to your personal and family life.



Eliminate money stress forever

You’ll learn healthy habits and techniques to shift your behaviors and attitudes toward money. You’ll begin to free yourself from the stress that money often brings.



Create wealth

You’ll gain essential financial knowledge in a simple, easy-to-understand way. This will empower you to make informed decisions consistently. By the end, you’ll achieve financial security, confidence, and peace of mind for yourself and your family.


Why choose Elisabet RD? Academic Excellence, Research Innovation, and the Unique KABAS Method

30+ Years of Teaching Experience at International Universities

For more than three decades, I have been a university professor dedicated to delivering knowledge with academic rigor and quality. This commitment is an essential requirement in all my endeavors.

Advanced Training in Finance and Coaching

My interdisciplinary training in finance and coaching enriches my programs by providing both knowledge and personal development. I focus on enhancing your relationship with money and breaking behavior patterns that limit your financial improvement.

15+ Years of Research and Publications in Financial Education

I have spent over 15 years researching and publishing on topics related to gender, financial education, and entrepreneurship. My scientific studies highlight the urgent need to empower people in this field, especially women.

A Unique and Innovative Method Combining Coaching and Financial Education

My KABAS method combines my expertise as a PhD. in finance with my coaching experience. This exclusive method is inspired by OECD criteria to empower and equip individuals with lasting financial skills.

Packages and Prices

Save More, Worry Less

(One Month Program)

300 €
  • Ideal for people willing to take control of their finances and achieve their goals
  • Aiming at financial organization, debt management (including credit cards and student loans), financial awareness, and wealth-building
  • Evaluate your financial personality and its impact on your current financial situation
  • Focus on cultivating healthy financial habits and reducing financial stress
  • 3 live sessions of 60 to 70 minutes each
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Useful tools for personal finance
  • Guidance for couples on managing money
  • One-on-One or couple* sessions
  • Unlimited support via email
  • Flexible schedule

*Note: Couple sessions last between 75-80 minutes. There is a €30 extra fee per session.

Financial Empowerment

(5 Months of Coaching)

1000 €
  • Ideal for people willing to change their relationship with money and achieve lasting financial empowerment
  • Boost your financial personality
  • Unlock your financial potential for life
  • Identify the factors influencing your relationship with money
  • Establish lasting healthy financial habits
  • Overcome financial stress once and for all
  • 10 coaching sessions of 60 to 70 minutes each
  • Duration: 5 months
  • One-on-One sessions
  • Unlimited support via email
  • Flexible schedule
  • Payment plan available

*Note: 3 month financial coaching sessions are available upon request: 6 sessions of 60 to 70 minutes each.

What They Say About Our Program

Quick results in a short period of time. Working with Elisabet has been wonderful. She is amazing, super empathetic, very approachable, and highly knowledgeable in the subject matter..

What I liked the most were the quick and optimal results. I have achieved more than I imagined and in much less time. I have quickly organized my chaotic financial situation, both personally and as a couple. I have changed my perception of money and eliminated fears. The work we have done gives me a lot of security and greatly reduces my stress.

I highly recommend this service to anyone who wants to quickly organize their finances and feel at ease.

Irene Esteban

MASTER your finances and UNLOCK your financial freedom

An opportunity you don’t want to miss

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You must choose between the individual or couple option

3 live sessions 1 on 1 of 60 to 70 minutes each

3 live sessions 1 on 1 (couple) of 75 to 80 minutes each