Thank you for booking a spot in your schedule and scheduling the free session!
I have sent you an email with the date and time of the appointment, please add it to your calendar and agenda.
We will connect via Google Meet in my online room, you have the link in the email you received, just click on the link five minutes before the appointment time and follow the instructions.
On the day of the session, find a quiet place from which to connect, preferably with a computer with a camera.
Big hug!
Elisabet Ruiz-Dotras
Dr. Finanzas, PhD.
“Sem ornare lacinia cras eu luctus neque, consectetur sagittis maecenas sit et aliquet placerat interdum mattis elit laoreet sit tellus mauris.”
“Vitae purus ante enim, nec iaculis proin erat in nullam ipsum ut in vitae nec aliquam at mattis fermentum sagittis.”
“Commodo viverra platea sed mauris ac, aliquam pellentesque dui, etiam tortor, tincidunt ipsum ac at mi id vitae pretium ac vulputate odio varius.”